リンクの説明 / Explanation about link


You are free to link to every page in this site.

記事のアドレス / Adress of an article


There is a "Permalink" at the bottom of each entry. And "■", the head of article tittle is the link & anchor.

日付の固定リンク / Permalink of date


A permalink anchor of each daly page containning some entries is the expressing date at the top of each entry. This site was created using blog servise, and dates before July 2008 are fake.

エントリータイトル横の「この動画のはてなブックマークへ」 / "この動画のはてなブックマークへ" by the side of each article tittle


It's a link to Social bookmark service, Hatena Bookmark's entry page. I think those are sometimes more usable than this site.